CGS SS 201 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: First United Front, Sun Yat-Sen, Li Dazhao

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National party policies/ programs, sun yatsen (mention article from reader) + chiang kaishek, sun yatsen established the nationalist (gmd) party in 1905. Nationalist party was to compete with other foreign nations and prove that china was not to be taken over. The nationalist party focused on becoming more modernized, westernized and removing old traditions such as male dominance, and arranged marriages. Sun yatsen managed the nationalist party through his. Three principles : foundation of the philosophy for the national party, nationalism, uniting against foreign domination, lack of cohesion, china not nationalistic, only loyal to their clan (extended family, hypocolony: china worse off. In times of tragedy when there is famine, despair, etc all the foreigners don"t care about the. The first united front was created and its purpose was for the two different chinese groups to unite together and get rid of the foreign influence in china as well as the warlords.