SMG MK 323 Study Guide - Final Guide: Pricing Strategies, Marketing Mix, Demand Curve

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Acv: a measure of distribution reach, based on sales of stores not the number of stores. Sales of product category in stores in which your product will be sold / total product category sales: before calculating acv, must build a thorough profile of the retail environment. Estimate category sales and breakdown category sales by type of retailer groups. Identify major player retailer groups and their category sales. Estimate acceptance and store penetration at these retailers. Understanding channels and margins and markups: markups are calculated form the base number, margins are calculated from the total number. Mk 14 margins and markups and pricing strategy. Pricing: different components, the base price, optional extra. Is financing available: who pays shipping to get it to me, balancing the marketing mix with price, revenue: price (value capture, expenses: (product promotion place (value creation) Price is a signal: can be too high or too low. 5 c"s competition costs company objectives customers channel members.