COM JO 357 Midterm: Test 1 Study Guide

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Instantly shut down by the government: only one issue released, wasn"t published by authority, benjamin harris. 1729: franklin begins publishing: new england current, used a pen name so he wouldn"t get in trouble, silence dogood. 1776: american revolution/ thomas paine: common sense how america should completely separate from england and start a republic, 1. 1788: philly articles of confederation; close doors on journalists (thought it would go smoothly without any press) 1798: sedition acts: president john adams, did not want the press forming against the government, criminalized slander and libel; went against the 1st amendment, national security measure during french revolution. Test #1 study guide: conflict between federalists and anti-federalists, u. s. gazette: he that is not for us, is against us . 1833: founding of penny press: less subscription based, more accessible, the sun day, hired first reporter, took advantage of steam power, readership influx, growing literacy, news is what sells, new york herald bennett.