CGS HU 201 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Categorical Imperative, Copernican Revolution, Noumenon

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Pietism: a movement within lutheranism that stresses personal devotion and right living as more important than church ritual, dogmas, and creeds. Nebular hypothesis: belies in the human potential because it human reason which can improve man"s condition. Kant"s epistemology (theory of knowledge): believes in the free and democratic use of reason to examine everything (doesn"t matter how conditional the situation is, need reason to examine/understand/judge and make appropriate choices) Critique : a self-conscious inquiry and investigation into the powers and also the limitations of the human mind. Empirical skepticism: bc knowledge is only based on direct experiences and observation, we can"t be certain things we think are mathematical and scientific truths are true. We know these laws and truths a priori (they exist before hand, not derived from experience) A genuine morality, one that is universally binding and objective, must be a priori.