CAS RN 242 Study Guide - Final Guide: Traditional Medicine

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Women are often the ones accused of witchcraft. There was a law in the 10th century that it is a sin to believe that women fly on brooms. Women tend to get in legal trouble as they are often the healers in the community with many patients visiting them. Popular or folk medicine: a healing woman and the devil. A woman is recognized to be a witch. She was good at the things she did, but was convicted for doing these things. She was accused that she was banishing demons without any authority. On the other hand, priests have the authority to do that. Magic was used as an excuse for authority figures to stop others from doing what they were supposed to do. All those activities has some blend of christianity and paganism. Engagement with authority figures around them and question their legitimacy. There were inquisitions where people would suspect witchcraft for no absolute reason.