CAS PS 370 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Party Tonight, Negative Affectivity, Physical Attractiveness

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A process perspective focuses attention on what has happened, is happening, and may happen in the family (sprey) Power may not always be wielded (e. g. , prestigious person choosing not to use status to get what he/she needs). Latent power: outcomes that are not realized until later or power abilities that are not evident overtly. Sources of power in families: resources and social exchange. The son mentioned above may go on to major in engineering in order to get a free education, but privately not believe that engineering is the best major for him. Stems from expectations on the part of the target source will administer punishments if he/she (target) does not conform to the influence attempt. Adults are not the only ones who have this ability and awareness. Stems from shared interests: sometimes shared interests facilitate liking and identification. Can lead to both changes in public behavior and private, internalized beliefs.