CAS PS 261 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Product Placement, Mass Media, Implicit Attitude

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Attitudes are made up of three components: Social standards: people with more symmetrical faces are generally considered more attractive. Behaviorally based attitude: an attitude based on observations of how one behaves toward an attitude object. According to bem"s self-perception theory, under certain circumstances, people don"t know how they feel until they see how they behave. People only infer their attitudes from their behavior only under certain conditions: Initial attitude has to be weak or ambiguous. Only when there are no other plausible explanations for behavior. Attitudes are directed towards qualities or characteristics that are relevant. Affective priming: looks at affective responses to attitude object. Attitudes are a more distal predictor of behavior than intentions. Abstinence-violation effect: occurs when someone, who has committed to abstaining from engaging in certain unwanted behavior, has an initial lapse during which they engage in the substance or behavior at least once. Any two elements of knowledge can be consistent with one another or inconsistent.