CAS PS 222 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Lateral Geniculate Nucleus, Cornea, Superior Colliculus

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Smell, light, pressure, sound these are all physical stimuli to which we have access. All this info gets collected by the sense organs, which then funnel that physical stimulus towards special receptor cells in the sense organs. These specialized receptor cells will detect the presence of a physical stimulus and then they transduce the info into neural signals that the brain can understand. Ultimately, we give rise to our perceptual experience of the world. transduce the physical stimuli into neural signals. Sense organs: they gather the physical stimulus to specialized receptor cells, located inside the sense organs that can detect that stimulus. They have two jobs: detect the presence of a physical stimulus. The cell will change its activity in response to a physical stimuli. The receptive eld of a neuron is the area on a sensory surface containing receptor cells which, when stimulated, change the response of that neuron.