CAS PH 160 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Middle Term, First-Order Logic, Syllogism

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Document Summary

P. (o form) universal affirmative form) universal negative form) particular negative. Categorical syllogism is an argument consisting of three categorical statements (two premises and a conclusion) that are interlinked in a structured way. The predicate of the conclusion is called the major term, and the premise in which it major premise. The subject of the conclusion is called the minor occurs is called the term and the premise in which it occurs is called the minor premise. The middle term appears once in each premise. Major term p predicate of the conclusion. Middle term m appears in both of the premises. Minor term s subject of the conclusion. The statements it contains. mood of a categorical syllogism is determined by the types of categorical. The appearances of the middle term. of a categorical syllogism is determined by the positions of the two figure. A and e propositions are true but can both be false.