CAS PH 160 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Enumerative Induction, Inductive Reasoning, Deductive Reasoning

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Therefore, 40 percent of all students studying philosophy probably get b. studying philosophy get b. What makes an enumerative induction strong: the sample size is appropriately large, the sample is representative, ie. not biased. Because being chosen. it ensures that each member of the target group has an equal chance of. Represents the accuracy of the match between sample and target. Represents the probability that the sample will represent the target within the margin of error. Argue that because two things are analogs in ways a1 an, they are analogies in n further way b. Therefore, student b is always on time. always on time. An something causing something. inductive argument with a conclusion that makes a causal claim, a claim about. If the only similarity between two occurrences of the same type of phenomenon is factor x, then factor x is the cause.