CAS PH 150 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Egotism, Cardinal Virtues, Scholasticism

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Quiz- octobe r 15, 2009: augus tine a . S ta rte d be lie ving in ma niche is m (dua lis m) but conve rte d to chris tia nity. It be ca me the re ligion of the s ta te . It le a d him to firs t compre he ns ive the ologica l and mora l. Chris tia n vie w: he combine d p la to a nd chris tia nity, ca lle d chris tia n p la to. God is the highe s t good: me ta phys ics - his the is m is the oce ntric (comple te ly ce nte re d on god). He is a ll-powe rful, a ll-knowing, a ll-good, cre a tor of the unive rs e , wa tche s ove r cre a tion. God is love : we struggle against our flesh, body=bad (plato"s theory). e .