CAS PH 150 Study Guide - Final Guide: Deontological Ethics, Consequentialism, A Priori And A Posteriori

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B. psychological laws of association determine our desires, purposes, and beliefs: ultimate good- happiness of all people not just the individual. A. accepted bentham"s standard of the greatest total happiness of all beings capable of happiness- principle of. B. greatest happiness principle - pain and pleasure determine what we do: happiness= pleasure, unhappiness= pain, maximum happiness for the greatest # of people. D. he promotes quantitive pleasures: utilitarianism- act utilitarianism versus rule utilitarianism, act utilitarianism- the action itself either leads to happiness or in the case of a bad act, leads to the reverse of happiness. B. rule utilitarianism- rules govern the actions that tend to promote happiness and are wrong when they tend to produce the reverse of happiness. Iii. pleasure: mill makes qualitative distinctions between pleasure. There are lower pleasures (bodily) and higher pleasures (intellectual): bentham makes quantitative distinctions- pleasure is pleasure no matter what, mill distinguishes with the decided preference test.