[CGS NS 201] - Midterm Exam Guide - Ultimate 34 pages long Study Guide!

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Early naturalist that started naming / categorizing different species (binomial. Believed in natural theology, the study that nature would reveal the divine order of creation. Believed that each pair of animals was created in a particular climate belt in association with other species designed for similar conditions. Function and structure of an organism was linked to the environment for which it was created. Hybrids: many species could change via hybridization as part of god"s plan. Argues that the fossil record was a chronology of living creatures from different eras. Lots of work with shark heads / teeth. Evolution: descent with modification it takes place because mutated genes become more or less common within populations over the course of generations (which becomes natural selection). Whales / cetaceans evolved from land mammals, and seem to be closely related to hippos. We can tell how old the earth is due to radiometric dating.