CGS NS 201 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Species Problem, Eukaryote, Archaea

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2 (35-38: selection was not the sole mechanism of evolution, scientist strive to understand the invisible, their mission is to find explanations that can account for indirect clues gathered through experiment and observation. Because they rely on indirect clues they must find ways to test the explanation against more evidence. The process of trial and error is an essential part of science: cycle of evidence, explanation and testing. Planet formed 4. 567 billion years ago when gravity caused dust to clump together into small bodies called planetesimals which collided to form planets. Zircons: microscopic crystals which show the earth"s original crust, give us chemistry clues about early earth. Archaea: single cell but no photosynthesis, can transcribe dna to rna: chp. 10 (244-245: taxonomy: the science of naming and classifying species, darwin"s definition of species: I look at the term species" is one arbitrarily given, for the sake of convenience, to a set of individuals closely resembling one each other.