CAS NE 101 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Radial Arm Maze, Morris Water Navigation Task, Anterograde Amnesia

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Ability to adapt your behavior based on previous experience. 1933 - hit by bus at 7 years old. 1942 - grand mal seizures at 16 (5-10/ day) 1953 - surgery (scoville) removed area where seizures start. Couldn"t learn anything else for the rest of his life. If he maintained attention, he could maintain a conversation, but if distracted, the. Loss of memory access of events occurring before the surgery. Had problems w/ declarative memory, but intact procedural memory w/ striatum. Very detailed and flexible - info from 1 memory can be used for a bunch of things. Don"t have to do anything with the info; just response to something. H. m. couldn"t remember doing it but his skill got better. Amnesia patients can do it, but not remember it. A lesion affects one thing but not another. 2 related mental processes function independently of each other. Shows basil ganglia and hippocampus are for different types of memory.