CAS NE 101 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Golgi'S Method, Reflex Arc, Silver Nitrate

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Obtained muscular contraction in a frog by touching nerves w/ scissors. Metallic contact between leg muscles and nerves leading to them caused during an electrical storm twitching. Mental functions are localized in specific regions of the brain and that human behavior is dependent upon these functions. Study of brain lesion in left frontal region caused aphasia. Area is contains motor neurons involved in comprehension of speech sounds. Cortical maps - identified diff parts of brain w/ individual cells representing diff parts of the body. Homunculus - shows space that body parts occupy in the somatosensory cortex. Reticular theory - brain is a nerve net. Injected silver nitrate substance into nerve tissue that made cells appear. 1889 - ramon y cajal (neuron theory) Hypothesized that there were smaller parts to a neuron. Reflexes are must be regarded as integrated activities of the total organism, not separate entities. Neuron must be sending a message and another receiving.