CAS NE 101 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Local Field Potential, Halle Berry, Halorhodopsin

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Document Summary

In vivo electrophysiology - measures neuronal activity in the brain as local field potentials or single unit activity. Intracellular recordings (+) - electrical activity of single cell. Measures voltage across the membrane of cell. Extracellular recordings (different polarities) - electrical activity of surrounding. Single neuron recordings of action potential (spike) discharges. Optogenetics - est direct link btwn neuron"s excitability and reaction of associated cells. Using light to modulate the expression of a gene by inhibiting/ exciting a neuron. Clarity - view large networks of neurons and their connections. Uses dead tissue and remove lipids fmri - measures brain activity by detecting changes in blood flow. Blood flow to a brain area increases when area is in use. Histology - identify structure and function of tissue. Microanatomy of chemically stained cells and tissues under light/ electron microscope. Halle berry cell - specific memory of object, person, or event can be recorded from a specific set of neurons.