CAS MA 416- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 20 pages long!)

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The following are age and systolic blood pressure (sbp) data taken from 4 participants of the framingham. Assume the underlying relationship between age and sbp is linear (or i. e. , yi= 0+ 1xi+ i where i. = subject number, or i. e. , i=1, 2, 3, 4), where sbp is the dependent variable. 52: draw a scatterplot of y vs. x. Write one sentence explaining if you think there truly is a linear relationship between y and x based on the scatterplot. Yes, there does to be a linear relationship between sbp and age; as age. Increases, sbp tends to increase: find b0 and b1, the least squares estimates of 0 and 1. Please do this manually (with the use of a calculator for simple calculations), showing the required work. i b. =133. 75 (1. 92)(46. 75) = 44. 00 b0 input design store casessold @@; options nodate nonumber nocenter; data one; cards; Class levels values design 4 1 2 3 4.