CAS HI 151 Study Guide - Final Guide: Cane Ridge Revival, Five Civilized Tribes, Indian Removal Act

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Potential id terms: 1787-9 federalists for stronger government, bank system vs anti-federalists. Opposed the development of a strong federal government prefer power to remain in the hands of state and local governments. States were free agents that should manage their own revenue and spend their money as they saw fit. Opposed until inclusion of the bill of rights. Wanted a stronger national government and the ratification of the. Constitution to help properly manage the debt and tensions following the. Washington, john jay, john adams: shay"s rebellion 1786. A series of protests in 1786 and 1787 by american farmers against state and local enforcement of tax collections and judgments for debt. Leader: daniel shays. most serious in massachusetts, where bad harvests, economic depression, and high taxes threatened farmers with the loss of their farms. Shays" rebellion greatly alarmed politicians throughout the nation.