CAS BI 315 Study Guide - Final Guide: Hemoglobin A, Atrioventricular Node, Hypotension

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Lecture 9
I. Bulk flow - everything flows together; all parts equally subject
II. Diffusion - each component flows at own electrical/chemical gradient
III. Flux prop to gradient/resistance
A. Bulk flow of air and blood
B. Diffusion of o2 and co2 and others
IV. Diffusion prop to surface area
Cardiovascular Physiology
V. Function - transport
VI. Blood
A. Isolate w/ centrifugation
B. % of whole blood made of packed erythrocytes is hematocrit
C. Plasma
D. Bulk flow through higher pressure to lower pressure
VII. Resistance - friction that impedes flow
VIII. Pressure, Flow, and Resistance
A. F=delta P/R
B. Flow rate directly prop to pressure diff btw 2 pts
B.1. Blow more air into balloon easier for it to fill up
IX. Resistance factors
A. Distance - more = more resistance - doesnt change in body
B. Viscosity - thicker = more friction - changes in body according to
hematocrit, athletic training, anemia, hydration
C. Radius - smaller = more friction
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X. Bulk flow in 2 closed circuits
A. Systemic - body
B. Pulmonary - lungs
XI. Heart
A. 2 sided creates driving pressure
B. 2 atria (receive), 2 ventricle (pump out)
C. Right - deoxy (70% o2)
D. Left - oxy (97% o2)
E. Heart wall - epicardium - myocardium (big chunk) - endocardium
XII. Overview
A. Arteries away, veins back
B. Systemic - art oxy, vein deoxy
C. Pulmonary - art deoxy, vein oxy
D. Oxy leaves left ventricle - body - deoxy returns to right goes to lung and to
XIII. Blood flow
A. By contraction of each heart chamber
B. Atrial contractions move blood to ventricles
C. Ventricular contractions move to lungs and body
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XIV. Blood flow path
A. Systemic veins
B. inferior/superior vena cava
C. Right atrium
D. Right AV valve
E. Right ventricle
F. Pulmonary SL valve
G. Pulmonary trunk - arteries
H. Lungs
I. Pulmonary veins
J. Left atrium
K. Left AV valve
L. Left ventricle
M. Aortic SL valve
N. Aorta
O. Systemic arteries
XV. Memorize
A. Chambers: right atrium, right ventricle, left atrium, left ventricle
B. Valves: right AV, right semilunar, left AV, left semilunar
C. •Major vessels: aorta, vena cava, pulmonary trunk, pulmonary arteries
and veins, coronary circulation
XVI. One way flow
A. Valves - increased pressure during contraction closes valve and prevents
B. Low pressure btw contractions allows valve to be open
XVII. Heart Beats
A. Ejection of blood/creation of pressure gradient dependent on coordinated
squeeze by all walls of chamber
B. Electrical signal
C. Heart rate set by pacemaker - cluster of spontaneously depolarizing cells
- depolarization spreads from cell to cell via gap junctions -
D. intercalated discs - mechanically imp desmosomes and electrically imp
gap junctions
XVIII. Excitation (and contraction) coordinated
A. Fibrillation - indiv depolarization events will fail to make coordinated
squeeze of chambers
XIX. Cardiac muscle cell complexity
A. Ventricular muscle cells
A.1. Combo of ca++, na+, k+ to achieve slight diff in
depolarization to help pump
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