CAS BI 315 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Comparative Physiology, Gas Exchange, Monosaccharide

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11 Apr 2018

Document Summary

The study of functional characteristics of diverse species. Eg- bird trying to get away from the fox. The study of physiology integrates across levels of biological organization. Acute changes- short term changes in the physiology of individual animals: changes that individuals exhibit soon after their environment have changes are reversible. Chronic changes long term changes in the physiology if individual changes: changes that individuals display after they have been in new environment for days, week, months. Evolutionary changes- changes that occur by alteration of gene frequencies over the course of multiple generations in populations exposed to new environments. High altitudes, if you go to himalayas be harder to adapt. Developmental changes- changes that occur to a person. The physiological process of life can be described as responses that stabilizes our internal environment in the face of changing conditions. Long time between meals-> relatively low blood sugar. Playing basketball-> lose o2-> breath harder-> heart breathes hotter.