MATH 130 Midterm: MATH 130 Binghamton ma 130 midterm 1

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No phone, calculator, electronics, notes, talking to friends, etc. You may use only a pen or pencil. If you need some you may use the back side of this exam or ask some- one who is proctoring the exam. Do not turn to the next page or begin the test until the professor and/or ta"s say so. 10/7/2015: (15 points) binghamton university is surveying a random group of students to determine which campus sport has the biggest following. V s g v (a) (5 points) determine the winner using the plurality method. 10/7/2015: (15 points) the fty states of america are voting on their favorite holiday. The choices are independence day, flag day and thanksgiving. 10/7/2015: (20 points) consider the weighted voting system [q : 10, 6, 6, 5, 4, 2, 1]. 10/7/2015: (20 points) sheldon, leonard, howard and raj use a voting system when deciding which movie to watch on movie night.