GEOG 101 Midterm: exam 2

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Population variables: include definitions and interpretations of values: crude birth rate: cbr. Annual # of live births per 1000 people. High rate = more than 30 births:1000 people. Low late = less than 18 births per 1000 people. Determining factors: age/gender structure, customs (traditions, social norms, religion), family size, government policy: total fertility rate: tfr. Average # of children born to each woman. Replacement level: fertility rate required for populations to replace themselves (# of births = # of deaths. Slow growth: fertility level at or near replacement level. High fertility rates in africa, low in russia, japan, and canada. Triangular pyramid has a high tfr: infant mortality rate: imr. Ratio of deaths of infants aged 1 year or under per 1000 live births. High rate is bad, shows poor healthcare, usually the case in less developed countries: population growth: Number of births exceeds the number of deaths.