PSYCH 130 Study Guide - Final Guide: Outpatient Commitment, Preventive Detention, Deinstitutionalisation

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1. Criminal commitment: For people with mental illness who are alleged to have
committed crimes
a. Can be committed to a mental hospital
i. To determine competency
ii. After acquittal by reason of insanity
2. Emergency commitment: Two physicians certify person is dangerous to self or others
a. Term limited
b. No court involvement
3. Civil commitment: is a set of procedures by which a person who is deemed mentally ill
and dangerous but who has not broken a law can be deprived of liberty and placed in a
a. Preventive detention and problems in the prediction of dangerousness
i. Only 3% of the violence in the US is clearly linked to the psychological
ii. They report more violent thoughts in hospital than not
b. The prediction of dangerousness:
i. If a person has repeatedly violent in the recent past, it is reasonable to
predict that he or she will be violent in the near future unless there have
ee ajor hages i the perso’s attitudes or eiroet
ii. If iolee is i the perso’s distat past ad if it as a sigle ut very
serious act, and if that person has been incarcerated for a period of time,
then violence can be expected on release if there is reason to believe that
the perso’s predetetio persoality ad physial ailities hae ot
changed and if the person is going to return to the same environment in
which he or she was previously violent
iii. Even with no history of violence, violence can be predicted if the person
is judged to be on the brink of a violent act
iv. Violence among people with a psychological disorder is more likely when
they do not receive treatment
v. Outpatient commitment or assisted outpatient treatment (AOT) is one
way of increasing medication compliance
c. Protection of the rights of people with psychological disorders
i. The state must provide clear and convincing evidence that a person is
mentally ill and dangerous before he or she can be committed to a
psychiatric hospital
ii. Least restrictive alternative:
1. Freedom is to be provided when treating people with
psychological disorders and protecting them for harming
themselves and others.
iii. Right to treatment:
1. Wyatt ruling: set specific requirement for psychiatric hospital
d. Deinstitutionalization, civil liberties, and mental health
i. Deinstitutionalization: discharging as many peoples as possible from
hospitals and discouraging admissions
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