EPS C20 Study Guide - Final Guide: Li Ka-Shing, Seismic Wave, Seismic Hazard

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Two classes, four types: body waves. Different seismic wave types travel with different velocities. Given the s-p time at 3 stations we can locate the earthquake. Modern networks use tens or hundreds of waveforms. We can x-ray the earth with seismic waves. Seismologists have developed two scales: intensity. Detailed observations of effects on ground: damage to structures and nature; cracks in ground, fault offsets: magnitude. Precise measurements with seismometers, take distance into account; determineas energy packed in an. Most tsunamis are caused by megathrust eq. Tsunamis grow enormously in shallow (coastal) waters. Although sf bay is very shallow, tsunami risk is low. Warning systems are in place, but the earthquake is your natural warning! Seismic risk = seismic hazard x vulnerability. Seismic hazard: what nature presents to us. We cannot do anything about it except move away. Vulnerability: what we put in nature"s way. This is where we can significantly reduce risk. How to quantify seismic hazard: two components: