EL ENG 16A Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Short Circuit, Proctor, Current Source

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8 Jan 2019

Document Summary

Summer 2017 d. aranki, f. maksimovic, v. swamy. Print and sign your name: (last name) ( rst name) (signature) Print your discussion section and gsi(s) (the one you attend): Name and sid of the person to your left: Name and sid of the person to your right: Name and sid of the person in front of you: Name and sid of the person behind you: what do you enjoy most about ee16a? (1 point, write down a pun or a joke about circuits. (0 points) I know people are currently divided on this issue. I"d write a pun, but it might shock you. I currently don"t have the capacity for puns. I"ve heard from independent sources that i get full points for this anyway. I hope this test doesn"t short-circuit my brain, or i"m going to charge you with an unusual and cruel pun-ishment. Do not turn this page until the proctor tells you to do so.