COMPSCI 10 Study Guide - Final Guide: Turing Test, Richard Stallman, Simple Mail Transfer Protocol

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Document Summary

Andrew blum: discover the physical side of the internet. Last 15 years, relationships to the surroundings had changed and attention was constantly divided. We"re small in the face of the internet. One dozen buildings where networks of internet connect to each other with fiber optic cables. 10x more networks connecting to them than the next tier. Home to half a dozen of undersea cables that connect europe to america. Incredibly small, yet incredibly expansive as they are up to eight thousand miles in length. Light goes in one end, and comes out the other. Comes from the landing station and go through amplifiers on the ocean floor. Landscape is cahnging as they realize their conection needs to be permanent, so there are more cables. Started with 2 cables, one across pacific and one across atlantic and they build a belt around the world. Physical process is new but culture and places are the same.