CHEM 3B Study Guide - Quiz Guide: American Medical Association, Hippocratic Oath, Antiseptic

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Early man - prehistoric times sought supernatural explanations for catastrophic events; felt demons/spirits control events trephination: when holes are cut into peoples heads to release evil spirits. Medicine in the middle ages (~400 - ~1400 ad) period between the decline of rome and the beginning of the middle ages. Dark ages (aka medieval period) for rst 600 years: western europe: because of raids and wars, cities were walled in defense which became lthy and disease-ridden; very little advancement in medicine impact of the black plaque. Renaissance period (~1400s - 1500s) represents the end of the dark and middle ages and the beginning of times of medical and scienti c discoveries as well as cultural advancements. Anesthesia in 1830-40s, "ether frolics" and "laughing gas parties" were popular physician used ether on a reluctant party-going patient its success quickly spread to the rest of the world.