CHEM 1A Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Molar Volume, Gas Laws, Ideal Gas

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8 Jan 2019

Document Summary

Contents: 7 pages: multiple choice (7 points, big molecules (9 points, molecular orbitals of diatomic molecules (9 points, molecular orbitals of polyatomic molecules (12 points, gas laws and kinetic theory (7 points) Basic scientific calculators are ok. best wishes to all for success! R = 8. 3145 j mol-1 k-1 h = 6. 6261 10-34 j s c = 2. 9979 108 m s-1 me = 9. 1094 10-31 kg. N0 = 6. 0221 1023 mol-1 molar volume at stp = 22. 4 l. = gh = 1 mv 2 = 3. Cellulose is a big molecule known as a polysaccharide that is used to create structural support for plants. Cellulose is derived from a polymerization reaction using glucose monomers. Draw how 2 monomers in different chains might interact through this force. (c) (2 points) starch is also a polysaccharide and it is used in plants to store energy. However it forms branched linkages (as shown here) rather than the linear chains of cellulose.