CHEM 1A- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 30 pages long!)

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Stoichiometry: relationships between quantities of matter that participate in chemical reactions. Stoichiometric mixture: two hydrogens for each oxygen. Energy of transition state is higher (barrier) needs heat, etc. A: o2 is present in air (reaction is slow) B: o2 + h2 mixed (reaction is fast) C: no h2 is present (no reaction) Atomic force microscopy of chemical bond breaking and formation. Optical tweezers for single molecule visualization of dna transcription. At the macroscopic (bulk) and microscopic (atomic, molecular) level. Na atoms in 12. 00 g 12c = one mole. 16 g of oxygen contains a xed number of moles . 2 molecules + 1 molecule -> 2 molecules. 2 moles + 1 mole -> 2 moles. 4 grams + 32 grams -> 36 grams (conservation of mass) Nacirema culture has spread across the globe. We really aren"t that different from the cultures we study. Teeth brushing is a mouth ritual (or else. Anthropology invites us to see ourselves as an outsider.