PHIL1071 Study Guide - Final Guide: Catechumen, V Engine, Summa Theologica

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Philosophy as a way of life: explain what ataraxia (peace of mind), autarkeia (inner freedom) and cosmic consciousness are. Ataraxia (peace of mind) is a moment of relaxation in your life that allows you to look at your life in the way it is detached from the contemplate the world, see it as it is. It is to find peace and pay world, attention. when you are, means you are not. You are a little piece in a you should contemplate your the stars- contemplate movement of the a part of the universe. Autarkeia is the inner freedom. it is a cosmic consciousness capable of detaching oneself from the world, you become free, who independent. Cosmic consciousness alone in this world and you are a part of the world. multitude of things- tiny but very important and surroundings. One should contemplate whole thing and become human: explain the difference between discourse about philosophy and philosophy itself.