HIST1094 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Herero People, Maximilien Robespierre, Bourgeoisie

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28 Jan 2014

Document Summary

Influence from the american revolution: the american revolution was successful in putting enlightenment ideas into politics, such as equality and individual freedom, french troops who were fighting on the americans side had a lot of contact with. Third estate, who made up most of the population: the enlightenment, rationalism became popular and people saw that the political and judicial systems in. Improved literacy and education fostered the spread of ideas: thought sharing in coffee houses and salons was popular and helped the spread of radical ideas, rising population and 1788 famine i. Involvement in wwi led to massive inflation v. In 1861, the government allowed emancipation of the peasantry, and they were allowed to buy land by taking out loans with very high interest rates which caused major debt b. Industrialization: caused miserable working conditions with 12 to 14 hour days and low wages ii.