HIST 1019 Study Guide - Interchangeable Parts, Indirect Election, Fugitive Slaves In The United States

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15th, 16th: atlantic o power moved to england. With rise of england"s power-shift goes east west and bristol is @ center of transformation century- england ranked 6th among european. Italian economy collapsed then because of war/plague- they were other major wool supplier. The connection between bristol and portugal also not reliable, no steady income so was difficult for bristol to lift itself out of recession. Fish could be transported long distances because they could be salted and preserved: bristol merchants began to dominate trade, shake off recession, rebound economy and sugar, turn attention to west, colonies. Sugar purchased in west indies and sold in europe: indentured servants. Labor shortage in colony, profit was spread around instead of profit being in hands of a few bristol merchants. John brown 1586 largely agrees that wealth is sin, but if a merchant"s wealth is used to benefit community, then it"s okay.