[NSC 3320] - Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam (13 pages long!)

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A somewhat permanent change in behavior (allows for forgetting) due to an experience: operant conditioning. Inborn behaviors are involuntarily elicited in new circumstances: two approaches. Nativist (nature) perspective assumes that a person"s abilities and tendencies are largely present at birth. Empiricist (nurture) perspective assumes that a person"s ability and tendencies are learned: aristotle 4 laws that govern learning (we are built to learn- expand upon this is that animals move and plants do not- why?, similarity. Common look so we put them together in categories: contrast. Perceived difference- putting things together with their opposite such as hot and cold: contiguity or closeness. Time and space if they are close in these domains we pair or relate them together such as birds and trees: frequency. The more frequently items occur together the more associated they are such as south. I think therefore i am: mind-body dualism.