CHE 1300 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Atomic Orbital, Bohr Model, Photon

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12 Feb 2018

Document Summary

Exam 3 - chemistry - chapter 11 & 12. One of the ways that energy travels through space. Gamma rays, x-rays, ultraviolet, visible, infrared, microwaves, radio waves. W, wavelength - distance between 2 peaks/troughs. V, frequency - # of waves per second that pass a fixed point. C, speed of light (3. 00e8 m/s) given, don"t memorize c = w * v. Amplitude = height of wave, a measure of intensity (dim or bright) One hypothesis is a more directed signal at the intended receiver while remaining obscure to eavesdropper. Light travels in straight lines and is reflected - particle. Light as a stream of photons (packets of energy) Light can alter course and exhibit interference patterns. Photon of red light (long wavelength) carries less energy. Energy of photon = energy change in the emitting atom. Ground state = atom in the lowest possible state. Example: fluorescent pictures of cells, ground state to excited state by absorption and releasing energy.