[AHIS BC 1002y] - Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam (87 pages long!)

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Comparisons: 2 x 16 minutes = 32 minutes: list author, title, date of both works, compare and contrast the two works considering both form and content. Use at least one of the assigned readings. Write on one of the two following topics. (ie. who owns art?, communion w/ nature, geometric urban planning, abstract, impressionism) You must use at least two works from the first half of the semester, and at least two from the second half of the semester, which are not in this exam"s ids or comparisons. Examples beyond your core 4 can be among the id and comparison works. You do not have to provide exact dates for your chosen examples. Engage with at least one assigned reading in your essay. Organize your essay into paragraphs with an introduction and conclusion. Use complete sentences and write as neatly as possible. If your writing is illegible, your ta may have to ask you to read your exam out loud.