MGT 300 Study Guide - Final Guide: Software, Interpersonal Relationship, Positio

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Know the definition for leadership and how it is applied. Leadership: the process by which a person exerts influence over others and inspires, motivates and directs their activities to achieve group or organizational goals. Know the different types of power a manager can expert in a leadership position: coercive, reward, etc. Legitimate power- the authority that a manager has by virtue of his or her position in an orga(cid:374)izatio(cid:374)"s hierar(cid:272)h(cid:455). Reward power- the ability of a manager to give or withhold tangible and intangible rewards. Coercive power- the ability of a manager to punish others. Overuse of coercive power can even result in dangerous working conditions. Expert power- power that is based on special knowledge, skills, and expertise that the leader possesses. Tends to be used in a guiding or coaching manner. Referent power- po(cid:449)er that (cid:272)o(cid:373)es fro(cid:373) su(cid:271)ordi(cid:374)ates" a(cid:374)d (cid:272)o(cid:449)orkers" respe(cid:272)t , ad(cid:373)iratio(cid:374), and loyalty.