COMM 210- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 15 pages long!)

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Public speaking - more than common sense. Friedrich (1994) went on to suggest (cid:483)a situational ability to set realistic and appropriate. That we have the ability (agency) to reach communicative goals. We must not only know and know how, we must also do and know what we did. (cid:483)the ability to interact well with others. Competent communication is communication with others that is perceived to be both effective and appropriate in a given context. Avoid (cid:483)violating social or interpersonal norms, rules, or expectations(cid:484) Who, communicates what message, to whom, through what channel, as well as why a. Must consider all these aspects in order to understand meanings, implications, and ultimate message was sent, and when appropriateness. Communication competence (ability) vs. intelligence (fixed state) Media ecology - (cid:483)the medium is the message(cid:484) Appropriateness is not in the words, they are important, but the message is never just the message. Common sense told him to have (cid:483)passion(cid:484)