HIST 1020 Study Guide - Final Guide: Cultural Revolution, United Nations Partition Plan For Palestine, Cuban Missile Crisis

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11 Oct 2018

Document Summary

The prague spring ended with a soviet invasion and a new government being put in place. Nonviolent noncooperation: nuclear arms race, 1949-1991, expect if a war is engaged the us will take measures with atomic bombs, ties to the cuban missile crisis. Transnational corporations (tncs: this invasion was the first military action of the cold war. Many feared it was the first step in a communist campaign to take over the world. "massive retaliation: a policy that called for increased openness and transparency in government institutions and activities in the soviet union. Palestine partition plan: organization of petroleum exporting countries, in 1973 they cause a global energy crisis, called oil the "fuel" of the 20th century, . Shifts oil-producing nations from periphery to the center of the world economy (ex: saudi arabia - major players in the global economy: "red guards: this is a trend of the world economy after 1970, enterprises comprising parent enterprises and their foreign affiliates.