BIOL 1027 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Comparative Embryology, Methicillin, Selective Breeding

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11 Dec 2018

Document Summary

22. 1 the darwinian revolution challenged traditional views of a young earth inhabited by unchanging species. Darwin"s predecessors and contemporaries: aristotle and the old testament claim that species are fixed (unchanging). 22. 2 descent with modification by natural selection explains the adaptations of organisms and the unity and diversity of life. Darwin"s voyage on hms beagle influenced his ideas that would lead him to write. His focus was on adaptation, or descent with modification . Darwin"s theory explains: the unity of life, the diversity of life, and the match between organisms and their environment. Darwin viewed the history of life as a tree with the branches indicating shared common ancestry ( i think figure, elephant phylogeny [family tree]) He also looked at artificial selection (human modification of plant and animal species) Two observations lead darwin to two inferences which are the crux of his theory. Members of a population vary in their inherited traits.