PSY 101 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Inquisition, Operant Conditioning, Procedural Memory

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29 Oct 2014

Document Summary

Study tips: if a concept was covered in lecture, always use lecture notes. Methods lectures is game for any exam throughout the course. Freud wish fulfillment, manifest content, and latent content which are all sexual issues. Cartwright information processing: when you are in rem sleep (stages 3 and 4) you organize your memories. Hobson & mccarley activation synthesis: neurons randomly fire and send sensory info which mixes with day residue. Your brain tries to take info from the day and make it into a story. Biorhythms & sleep circadian rhythm: about 4 hours. Blood pressure, body temp, and amount of urine all depend on where you are in your sleep cycle. Resetting the biological clock the retina detects light and sends messages to the hypothalamus. Suprachiasmic nucleus (scn) sends message to the pineal gland and then the pineal gland releases melatonin. Eeg an instrument that measures your brainwaves. Sleep cycles awake : beta waves (low voltage high frequency)