PSY-3210 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Human Factors And Ergonomics, Piggy Bank, Toy Train

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Everyone has the same way but we process it di erently, though everyone does it. System interprets inputs and comes to a conclusion comes to that conclusion. Past experiences and stimuli a ect future interpretations. Cognition is understand the processes and why they are di erent. Cognitive science holds it"s roots in rhinosophy: socrated (sll truth is not subjective, we are biased, aristotle, locke, berkley, hume, kant. Schools of thought (psychology was not yet empirical) Knowledge is central to cognitive science and psychology. Concerned with function as opposed to the structure of consciousness. What is the adaptive of purpose of the mind ? . Why do we have this and what does is do for us? . Behaviorism: very successful; clean, clear, objective research; anyone can do it (which is new); dominates for ~50 years. Consciousness studies keep their same issues because they are unable to measure it unobjectively.