SOWK 2035 Study Guide - Final Guide: Structural Inequality, Anxiety Disorder, Thomas Szasz

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Document Summary

Mad pride, as it is called, is a budding grassroots movement, where people who have been defined as mentally ill reframe their conditions and celebrate unusual (some call them. Ending stigma is one aim of hall"s group, but not its primary aim. Instead, hall and others claim that illnesses like schizophrenia and bipolar disorder need not indeed, should not be framed as illnesses at all. They seek to end stigma, raise awareness, explore experiences, and encourage conversation about living with mental illness. Most mental illnesses, for most people, are inherently negative. No matter how destigmatized our society becomes, mental illnesses will always cause suffering. They are not simply different ways of processing information or emotion; they are disorders in the capacities for processing information or emotion. The currently dominant way of interpreting human experience is very much in keeping with the medical model.