SOSC 3210 Study Guide - Final Guide: Visible Minority, Winnipeg General Strike, Deindustrialization

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The nine hours pioneers: the genesis of the canadian labour movement - john battye. Before confederation trade unions were very local and specific to certain trades, militancy was also very local (9 hour movement saw the connection between different cities in ontario) There is a mutual dependence between capital and labour. Capital accumulation and concentration: result of legislative measures meant to aid land, canal and railroad industries, the use of protective tariffs to these industries. The 9 hour movement (social and economic movement): was the beginning of the labour movement in canada, served as a catalyst bringing together working class unionists. Demand for shorter workdays, pay on fridays: social movement: elevate the working class and their welfare, moral, social and intellectual improvement, this movement bound together those in the working class, political organization of the working class. Foremen agreeing with the concerns of the workers: interests of capital v. workers. 9 hour workday hurts manufacturing, limiting capital.