SOSC 2800 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Gender Empowerment Measure, International Political Economy, Gender Inequality Index

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Double day burden - household work and outside work, even in developed world - burden that women typically face - long day at work, but still having to do household work and childcare - systematic barriers. Latin america - women playing big role in social movements - have provided important alternative to political parties and unions dominated by men. Gender gap - systematic difference in social status/achievement between men and women in terms of income, education, etc. Gender inequality index - composite index comparing men and women on 3 dimensions of. Gender empowerment measure - measures women"s and men"s income, respective share of managerial and non-managerial jobs, and share of influential political positions (eg. number of seats in parliament) - measures women"s economic, political, and social empowerment within society. Bad in the short-term (low-end jobs, informal economy, domestic service, lower wages, more vulnerable positions, prostitution, precarious labour, etc. ) Modernization theorists contrast values of modern versus traditional societies.