SOSC 2652 Study Guide - Indictable Offence, Hybrid Offence, Summary Offence

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19 Apr 2014

Document Summary

Chapter 1: the criminal justice system: an overview. The criminal justice system (cjs) contains all of the agencies, organizations, and personnel involved in the prevention of & response to crime & dealing with those charged with criminal offences & people convicted of crimes. Cjs responds to lawbreaking with investigation, prosecution & (when appropriate) punishment. Canadian criminal justice that it is often represented graphically by a funnel. In reality most cases are resolved with a guilty plea (often through plea negotiation) & few cases go to trial. The cjs is operated & controlled almost entirely by governments. It is in parliament & in provincial legislatures that elected officials enact & amend laws, establish annual budgets for criminal justice agencies, etc. The role & responsibilities of governments in criminal justice. The federal, provincial, and municipal governments play a role in the justice system. Division of responsibilities between the federal & provincial governments was spelled out in the constitution act, 1867.