[SOSC 2560] - Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam (28 pages long!)

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It is a set of ideas, beliefs and values, which shapes our understanding or misconceptions of the social and political reality. It is a shared system of values, beliefs and attitudes and helps us to make sense of our reality: four functions of ideology. He wrote on the use of force and fraud in order to get and maintain power: f. bacon in novum organon (1620) classified four types of the idols: idols of the. Tribe, cave, marketplace and theater: the enlightenment. In the enlightenment era bacon"s notion of idols was considered as prejudices. Enlightenment as people"s inability to think for themselves, due to lack of courage: enlightenment is the human being"s emancipation from its self-incurred immaturity. , two types of reason: public and private use of reason. Foundations of ideology (ii: true or false, false as unreal, false as untrue, false in logical sense, false in empirical sense, logic of thinking, no identifying without preconceptions.