SOSC 1731 Study Guide - Final Guide: Telematics, Nimby, Technological Determinism

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31 Mar 2017

Document Summary

Technological determinism: examines and change in telematics and urban change as a rather simple and straightforward relationship. Change in the physical form of the city is determined by the type of technologies used in the city. The socioeconomic structure is determined by the technological adoption. Futurism: the resulting changes in cities as largely positive in nature in the telematics innovation are seen as making the city a better place to live and work. They allow that not all the changes in the past are improvements but would suggest that the next innovation would take care of these problems. Dystopian: telematics innovation and adoption is very much seen as a social process, it is not something that separate and distinct from society. Urban change is not seen as the improvement but to accumulate capital. Scot (social construction of technology view point): the scot views technology as being a part of the society but it differs from dystopian in a significant way.