SOSC 1720 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Turnitin, Moodle, Industrial Revolution

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It should be no more than ten double spaced typewritten pages in length excluding footnotes and bibliography. You must submit it to turnitin on the course moodle site and hand in the hard copy in lecture by friday august 14, 2015. Each essay must include a bibliography and citations for all sources consulted. Important note: in writing the essays no internet sources are to be consulted or referenced except for those listed in the course syllabus. Students are expected to reference the required readings and lecture material for this course as the primary/central foundation for their essays. Additionally, students are expected to use the library making use of one or two additional books and/or journal articles as a supplement to course materials and lectures in order to help support their arguments. Plagiarism and academic honesty: students should make a special effort to familiarize themselves with the university"s plagiarism rules by consulting the section on senate.