SOSC 1040 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: John Berger, Mass Media, Consumerism

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Public media creates the mental environment that shapes our ideas, beliefs & influences the way we understand the world. Mass media systems is the most significant social institution in the social construction of reality. Media disseminates forms of knowledge & information which are significant forms of power over people. We live in a media culture dominant culture its primary medium through which consumerism is promoted. Messages have manifest and latent content surface meaning & the hidden meaning contained in ideological subtexts. Mass media is part of the entertainment system which presents itself in the form of pleasure/leisure, thus its ability to persuade & ideologize gets masked. Social relations are mediated by images, we interact with each other based on images of reality. Theory of simulation of reality how the media has transplanted reality with a simulation which has become the real. Illusion vs reality (has implications of social perception)